When you enter this screen the system will automatically search all
unpaid bills and show them on this screen. The
bills will be in the order of due date with the one due earliest on the first of the list. You can at that time select the bills you want to
pay. You can also indicate how much of the
bill you want to pay. You can enter an amount
less of the amount due. You cannot enter an
amount greater than the amount due. There
is also an option to select all bills that are due. Once
you have selected the bills you want to pay and the bank account you want to pay from you
can proceed by printing checks for the bills.
You have the capability to change that next check number. We recommend that you look at your checks and see
what is the next check number and make sure that is the one that is displayed on the
screen. When you do select the Print Checks
button, you will actually be able to see the checks in preview mode as with the other
reports. You can then print the checks, you
will notice that the print button on the left hand side of the tool bar on the top of the
report in preview mode. If for the first few
times you are printing checks try printing to plain paper first. You will be able to reprint if needed at any time. This method allows you figure out the exact
orientation of your paper and make sure you picking the right check format. You can easily hold the plain paper printout
against your checks to make sure the alignment is correct.
Once you have printed your checks correctly you must select the
Accept Checks button for the checks to posted correctly to your check register and credit
the bills. If you decide not to print checks
as if you use manually printed checks we also recommend you print them on plain paper so
you have a manual record for book keeping purposes.
As with the payroll program you can use either two or three part
checks. The two part checks include a check
and stub and can have a carbon less copy and is best used with a dot matrix printer that
can support track feed checks. The three part
check is made of a check, stub and voucher. You
would send the vendor the check and stub while the voucher part, the last part, would be
the companys record. The 3-part check is
used with laser or jet type printers. It does
not support carbon or carbonless copies. You
select the check type in the accounts payable defaults setup screen.