[ PAGE 2 ] Appointment
Book (Day View):
The Appointment Book Day View in ADVANTAGE
Salon Software and
Spa Software will let you review and edit appointments for all
employees on a specific day.
- User defined color codes
- Interval times for processing supported, overlapping
- Easy Confirmations
- Schedule printing
- Click and copy, move, delete
- Integrated with Point of Sale, instantly transfer
appointments into the point of sale screen
- Day/Week/Employee views
- Reserves Resources (rooms, massage tables, manicure tables)
- Easy to print work tickets
- Waiting lists
- Standing Appointments
- Intuitive and easy workflow program that makes your
reservations desk fly and customers happy
Innovative and easy to
use appointment book software features surpass the old paper and pencil
appointment book. When you electronically store your appointments its easier
to print out employee schedules, work tickets, rebook appointments and track
customer history.