April 1, 2015

Unique in Advantage Software is the right click short cut menu in the Appointment book screens

In Advantage Salon and Spa Software where can right click any appointment and a menu will appear that is gives you quick short cuts. These are all the functions you can think off that you may need to do with this specific appointment. There features are as follows:

New - Create a new appointment as well as overlapping appointment
Edit - Modify everything about specific appointment as well change employee, client, time, resources and add comments and other services
Copy - Create a copy of a simple way to rebook
Move - Move appointment to another time slot even to a different employee or day!
Delete - Delete appointment
Rebook - Unique feature that will let you select the weeks in advance to rebook then be able to select time slot (super easy and fast way to rebook client!)
Make Standing - create standing appointment from the is appointment just pick the weeks in between appointments and Advantage does the rest
POS - Move this appointment and other services this client had today to the point of sale screen ready for checkout
Pay with series - Pays appointment with a prepaid series of services
Print - Prints a work ticket to be given to the technician with detail information so service is done correctly!
Block out - Block out the appointment book so the employee is not avaiable at the time
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