Certificates and Gift Cards:
Salon Software and Spa
Software keeps track of all the outstanding
gift certificates and gift cards issued. We can
also help you design and print gift cards. Pricing is very reasonable
call one of our sales reps for help at USA toll free: 888-785-0882 or
international at 281-398-3770. When a client wants to redeem a gift
card or certificate all you have to do is select the gift card payment
type and scan in or type in the card/certificate number in Advantage Salon
Software and Spa
Software program. The program can automatically print gift
certificates when sold in the point of sale module of Advantage Salon
Software and Spa

you currently offer gift cards at you business you already know the
huge profit center it is for your business. If you do not
offer gift cards do not hesitate to order them, the perfect gift for
any occasion and a great stocking stuffer for the holidays, gift
cards are a built in capability in Advantage Salon
Software and Spa Software
program. Call an Aknaf Software System
Consultant for details at 888-785-0882 or 281-398-3770.
Gift cards can be
encoded with the same bar code system that you can use in your inventory
program, so you do not have to purchase expensive equipment to use our
gift card program and cards!!!! Save money and make money with
ADVANTAGE Salon Software and
Spa Software!!!!!!
We can also supply
you with gift cards and card readers call us for a quote today!
ADVANTAGE Salon Software and
Spa Software
supports both magnetic cards and bar coded gift cards. The Bar coded
gift cards are recommended because of lower cost and no need for extra
equipment. Call a sales rep today at 888-785-0882 for more information
and a quote for your card printing needs.