Point of Sale Hardware
ADVANTAGE Salon Software and
Spa Software
Management System is compatible with different types of hardware
configurations! Including touch screens, receipt printers, cash
drawers, bar code scanners, and magnetic stripe readers!
- PC Computer
- 16 mb ram minimum, 32 mb or more recommended
- Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, or ME operating system
- Hard drive with 50 mb free
- Network systems: Windows for workgroups, Windows NT,
Novell and others.
- Windows compatible printer
- CD Rom Drive for installation
This integrated solution is a complete
answer to your needs because you front desk needs like appointment book,
cash register functions and client management is integrated with inventory
control, payroll, accounts payable and financials! ADVANTAGE Salon Software and
Spa Software is the
answer to your computer needs!